Lester Cey

Principal Consultant, LINK Business Services

Lester grew up in a large agricultural family and learned networking and work ethic naturally. This has served him well in the business development area where he helps lead the team at Morris Interactive. Prior to joining the Morris Interactive team Lester spent thirty years in the communications industry with SaskTel, Saskatchewan’s Provincial Telco. Following six years in his own consulting business, Lester joined Morris Interactive. The recent exponential growth at Morris Interactive has afforded the company many new opportunities including the creation and development of our Career Transformation program for Indigenous youth to gain better access to the employment market. Lesters’ work focuses on the continued development of the CT program and serving on Morris Interactive's advisory board.

Lester is married to Pam, and together they have four adult children who have blessed them with 12 grandchildren. When he’s not spending time with family, he enjoys playing rec hockey and golf—though his hockey skills far exceed his golf game, which mostly consists of searching for lost balls.
